Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2024     |     PP. 192-206      |     PDF (269 K)    |     Pub. Date: July 4, 2024
DOI: 10.54647/sociology841289    20 Downloads     3403 Views  


Osmar Ponchirolli, Filósofo, teólogo, mestre e doutor pela UFSC. Professor curso de filosofia da FAE - Centro Universitário Franciscano.
Vinícius da Silva Alves, Bacharel em Filosofia pela FAE – Centro Universitário.

This article discusses the relationship between “Feel” and “Intelligence” from the understanding presented by Xavier Zubiri, referring to Sentient Intelligence, as a unit of these two moments. In this regard, the article is based on the work Intelligence and Reality, written by Zubiri in 1981; such compilation is the first volume of the Sentient Trilogy. The topics addressed in question are based on the notion of what “Feeling” would be for Zubiri, in other words, what underlies the sensation of both the human being and other beings; as well as the ways of apprehending the “Feeling”, through its constitutional moments. In a second aspect, it alludes to what “Intelligence” would be, in view of the modes that underlie the intellection of the human being, that is, it presents “Intelligence” as a way of deepening the updated reality. Finally, the relationship between “Feeling” and “Intelligence” is explained, based on Sentient Intellection. In this bias, the unity of these two moments is emphasized, since the distinction between them is only formal, and not real in themselves.

Feel. intelligent. Sentient Intellect. Seizure. Real.

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Osmar Ponchirolli, Vinícius da Silva Alves, COMPREENDER O SENTIR E INTELIGIR A PARTIR DA INTELECÇÃO SENCIENTE , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2024 | PP. 192-206. 10.54647/sociology841289


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