Application of Artificial Intelligence of Generative Content (AIGC) in the Field of Urban Intelligent Traffic Management

Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2024     |     PP. 23-42      |     PDF (287 K)    |     Pub. Date: June 10, 2024
DOI: 10.54647/tte580070    24 Downloads     3375 Views  


Xiaoyi Ren, Industrial Bank Co.,Ltd, China

This article explores the integration and application of Artificial Intelligence of Generative Content (AIGC) technology in urban intelligent traffic management. Urban intelligent traffic management, through the utilization of advanced technological means, aims to achieve the intellectualization and high efficiency of the transportation system, characterized by informationization, automation, and networking. In China, the practice of intelligent traffic has achieved certain success. As a combination of artificial intelligence and big data, AIGC technology provides powerful technological support for intelligent traffic. AIGC can play a crucial role in intelligent traffic management. Through case study, it is demonstrated how AIGC enables and empowers intelligent traffic. However, it also faces challenges and opportunities related to data security, regulations, and policies. To address these issues, it is recommended to strengthen the research and development of AIGC technology, improve data security mechanisms, and formulate clear regulations and policies to guide its application in intelligent traffic management. Looking ahead, the deep integration of AIGC technology with urban intelligent traffic will drive continuous innovation and development in the transportation industry. This integration promises to further enhance the operational efficiency and management level of the transportation system, ultimately contributing to the sustainable urban development.

Artificial Intelligence of Generative Content; AIGC; Intelligent Traffic; Traffic Management

Cite this paper
Xiaoyi Ren, Application of Artificial Intelligence of Generative Content (AIGC) in the Field of Urban Intelligent Traffic Management , SCIREA Journal of Traffic and Transportation. Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2024 | PP. 23-42. 10.54647/tte580070


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