Еffect of Innovation in Training on the Motivation of Students for Practical Work

Volume 4, Issue 4, August 2019     |     PP. 181-194      |     PDF (611 K)    |     Pub. Date: September 25, 2019
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Ruska Vasileva Paskaleva, Department: Medical Rehabilitation and Ergotherapy, Physical Medicine and Sports. Faculty of Medicine at Trakia University, Stara Zagora , Bulgaria

The good professional training of students majoring in Medical Rehabilitation and Ergotherapy at the Medical Faculty and Rehabilitation at the Medical College is an integral part of the traditions and modern educational policy of the Trakia University (TrU) - Stara Zagora. It is achieved through a first-rate theoretical and practical training in compliance with European requirements and contemporary accomplishments in the field of rehabilitation science and medicine. In this study, we aimed to: Investigate the effect of innovations in kinesitherapy and ergotherapy training on the students’ motivation for practical work; Investigate the opinion of mentors from practical training bases about the co-operation in rehabilitation teams. Material and methods. A large-scale anonymous survey was carried out with 285 students majoring in Rehabilitation, and 63 students majoring in Medical Rehabilitation and Ergotherapy at the Trakia University - Stara Zagora, as well as with 50 mentors from practical training bases from 2007-2018 on 4 stages. Results and discussion. A strong positive correlation between the motivation and satisfaction of students with the training was established (R=0.61; р<0.05). The good academic motivation of students is a factor determining their desire for study and active involvement in clinical practice. The relative shares of positive answers of students (58%) and mentors (70%) with respect to the team work (U<1.96; α<0.05) indicated that there was no statistically significant differences among respondent groups. This provides evidence about the very good co-operation in the rehabilitation team and guarantees the formation of appropriate professional skills. Conclusions: The analysis of survey results showed that both groups of respondents (students and mentors) were satisfied with their cooperation; The application of acquired body of knowledge- theoretical and practical skills in the clinical training bases under the supervision of mentors and the academic staff from the Trakia University certifies the quality of students’ training; The consolidation and improvement of professional competence of future rehabilitation specialists guarantees their success in a real working environment; The motivation of students is an essential factors for improvement of tuition quality through the five key elements of academic motivation; The application of innovative elements in kinesitherapy and ergotherapy training is an additional stimulus for the active involvement of students in the learning process and clinical practice; The good professional level and positive personal traits of students are achieved through active participation of future graduates in both health care majors in the practical training.

motivation, professional training, kinesitherapy, ergotherapy, professional skills, clinical practice.

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Ruska Vasileva Paskaleva, Еffect of Innovation in Training on the Motivation of Students for Practical Work , SCIREA Journal of Education. Volume 4, Issue 4, August 2019 | PP. 181-194.


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