Increasing the Motivation of Students for Practical Work Through Motor Activity in Elderly People with Diabetes

Volume 4, Issue 4, August 2019     |     PP. 168-180      |     PDF (434 K)    |     Pub. Date: September 25, 2019
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Ruska Vasileva Paskaleva, Department: Medical Rehabilitation and Ergotherapy, Physical Medicine and Sports. Faculty of Medicine at Trakia University, Stara Zagora , Bulgaria

Elderly people with diabetes should change their lifestyle in the direction of regular exercise of moderate physical activity and maintenance of a certain physical condition. The high level of physical activity reduces insulin resistance of tissues (especially skeletal muscles); prevents obesity; reduces overweight, which is associated with lower plasma LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and higher HDL-cholesterol plasma levels, as well as lower blood pressure. The aim of the present study is the implementation of rehabilitation events at the Diabetes Center in Sofia, Stara Zagora, in the elderly with diabetes through the active participation of the students from the specialty "Medical rehabilitation and ergotherapy". Material and methods. The subject of the study is 120 diabetic patients in the Diabetes Social and Public Center - Stara Zagora. Rehabilitation events are applied depending on the motor skills. The activities are twice a week with a duration of 50 minutes, with the participation of the students of the specialty "Medical Rehabilitation and Ergotherapy" at the Faculty of Medicine at the Trakia University during the clinical practice and pre-graduate practice. Methodology of the study. Anthropometric measurements, a specialized test for daily life activities (DLA) and a Quality of Life Test were performed. The latter consists of four parts (1. Physical health and daily life activities; 2. Psychological test and appearance; 3. Social and personal relationships; 4. Environment and financial resources). It gives a very accurate idea of the quality of life of diabetic patients. Tests were performed in 120 diabetic patients before and after rehabilitation formed in five rehabilitation groups, depending on their motor skills. A rehabilitation program of all groups is also implemented within one calendar year with voluntary and active participation of the students. The program includes: kinesitherapy (physical exercise with a large therapeutic ball and dosed walking), proper nutrition, ergotherapeutic activities (DLA and functional ergotherapy) and art therapy (making souvenirs, cards, etc.). Results and discussion. The activities of everyday life are of the utmost importance for a person's autonomy. These are related to getting up in the morning, dressing up, taking breakfast, dressing and undressing. It refers to moving the body into space, changing its position, occupying different positions, moving with aids or without help. It is important for the everyday use of tools, appliances - they support the execution of DLA. The results achieved in improving daily life activities and gait stability confirm the thesis that exercise of regular physical activity in diabetic patients maintains well muscles, prevents the onset of complications by the nervous system and the locomotor apparatus. Inferences and conclusions: The use of rehabilitation and art therapy has a positive impact on the quality of life of elderly people with diabetes; To achieve good results in the rehabilitation of elderly people with diabetes, early initiation, inclusion of work activities and training into independent daily activities are necessary; The application of ergotherapy and art therapy stimulates patient autonomy, mental health and social activity;Improvement and diversification of work leads to improving the quality of life of older people with diabetes.

motivation, clinical practice, motor activity, elderly people, diabetes, prevention of complications.

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Ruska Vasileva Paskaleva, Increasing the Motivation of Students for Practical Work Through Motor Activity in Elderly People with Diabetes , SCIREA Journal of Education. Volume 4, Issue 4, August 2019 | PP. 168-180.


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