An Analysis of the Current Situation of Research on Nurses' Compassion Fatigue in China

Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2019     |     PP. 257-273      |     PDF (248 K)    |     Pub. Date: December 20, 2019
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Zhong Weiwei, College of Nursing, Yanbian University, Yanji City, China.
Li Chunyu, College of Nursing, Yanbian University, Yanji City, China.
Zhang Hailian, College of Nursing, Yanbian University, Yanji City, China.

With the transformation of China's medical system reform in recent years, it has changed from the patient-centered nursing model to the human health-centered nursing model. The scope of work extends to the prevention of disease, the promotion of health, the freedom from physical and mental pain throughout the life process, at the same time, people pay more and more attention to high-quality nursing and psychological care. However, the complexity of occupational risk, job competition and nurse-patient relationship in nursing work has brought great pressure on nurses' psychosomatic health. Nurses not only shoulder heavy and intense clinical nursing work, they require continuous updating of their knowledge system and operational skills, but also deal with complex interpersonal relationships with patients and their families. Nursing staff are prone to suffer from Compassion fatigue due to long-term secondary exposure to extreme work-related stress situations. Showing physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral overloading. It is characterized by sleep disorder, irritability, exhaustion of energy, decline of work efficiency, numbness and apathy, which seriously threaten the physical and mental health of nurses and result in a large loss of nursing talents. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to understand the causes of compassion fatigue, the definition and performance of related concepts, evaluation tools and intervention strategies to improve and improve the health level and nursing quality of nursing staff.

Compassion Fatigue;Nurses;Review Literature

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Zhong Weiwei, Li Chunyu, Zhang Hailian, An Analysis of the Current Situation of Research on Nurses' Compassion Fatigue in China , SCIREA Journal of Clinical Medicine. Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2019 | PP. 257-273.


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