Inadequate Feeding Practices Persist in Burkina Faso

Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2020     |     PP. 1-18      |     PDF (295 K)    |     Pub. Date: March 9, 2020
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Bernard DEMBELE, Statistician-Démographer, Doctorate Student in Demography, Assistant Researcher, Laboratory of Research in Sciences of Population and Development, University of Parakou, Benin
Mouftaou AMADOU SANNI, Professor in Demography, Ph.D., Researcher, Laboratory of Research in Sciences of Population and Development, University of Parakou, Benin

In Burkina Faso, undernutrition remains a public health issue. The food quality for under 23-month-old children constitutes a key pillar of child nutritional status. The objective of this study is to assess the adequacy of child feeding practices in Burkina based on the norms framed jointly by WHO/Unicef in 2011. The dataset used has been issued from the nutritional cross-sectional nation-wide survey conducted from November to December, 2015. It is the sub-sample of under two-year-old children (8 202) who were targeted by this essentially descriptive analysis. Hardly half of the children were early initiated to breast-feeding. Only half was exclusively breast-fed during their first 6 months of life. The low diversity of complementary feeding affected more than seven children out of ten. The priority was put on high dense energetic food at the expense of those of high biological value ones. Except the continuation of breast-feeding at two years old, all the other aspects of the child feeding practices deserve strengthening. The improvement to be carried out in favour of child nutrition should be early initiation to breastfeeding, feeding diversification based on qualitative foods and preventive support of long-term interventions.

Feeding, Undernutrition, Child, Burkina-Faso

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Bernard DEMBELE, Mouftaou AMADOU SANNI, Inadequate Feeding Practices Persist in Burkina Faso , SCIREA Journal of Food. Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2020 | PP. 1-18.


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