Who are better leaders; Transformational vs Transactional Leaders? Women vs Men?

Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2020     |     PP. 1-7      |     PDF (157 K)    |     Pub. Date: August 16, 2020
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Christie Kim, Department of Medicine. Division Hematology/Oncology. St. Joseph Health Centre, University of Toronto. Toronto. Canada.

There are numerous leadership theories and which leadership style is the most effective is often debated. Gender has been implicated as playing a significant role, as stereotypical feminine characteristics are similar to transactional leadership characteristics. Previous studies have also implicated transformational leadership as the most effective style, thus suggesting that women would be better leaders. However, there are an increasing number of studies that would suggest that gender plays a minimal role. Likewise, the organizational context would appear to be a significant driver of which type of leader emerges; rather than a single leadership style of transformational or transactional, a combination of both is likely the most effective.

Leadership. Gender Role. Management

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Christie Kim, Who are better leaders; Transformational vs Transactional Leaders? Women vs Men? , SCIREA Journal of Education. Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2020 | PP. 1-7.


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