If you think you are right, you are (not) always right Plight of culturally diverse workforce in employment relations

Volume 4, Issue 3, June 2020     |     PP. 28-47      |     PDF (338 K)    |     Pub. Date: December 3, 2020
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Bojindra Prasad Tulachan, Department of Global Culture Industry Management, Calvin University, 16911 184, Mabuk-ro, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeongi-do, REPUBLIC OF KOREA
Krishna Prasad Paudyal, Valmeeki Vidyapeeth, Department of English, Nepal Sanskrit University, Exhibition Road, Bhirkutimandap, Kathmandu, NEPAL

A great deal of academics has marked the importance of diversified workforce at individual, organizational or national level. Nepal having myriad of cultures can have competitive advantage from resource-based perspective. However, the subaltern politics (identity politics) headed by Maoists (1996~2006) in Nepal reinforced negative ramifications that made it difficult for sustainable employment and social integration at large. In such increased hatred and misunderstanding, the article suggests the comprehensive alternative policies (both short-term and long-term) to the integration of fragmented, diversified workforce. Future research prospects are held to the advancement of resource-based perspective of competitive advantage via ethnically diverse workforce in employment.

diverse cultures, Maoists insurgency, Nepal, identity politics, subaltern workforce

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Bojindra Prasad Tulachan, Krishna Prasad Paudyal, If you think you are right, you are (not) always right Plight of culturally diverse workforce in employment relations , SCIREA Journal of Management. Volume 4, Issue 3, June 2020 | PP. 28-47.


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