Maillard reaction. Pathogenic effects.

Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2021     |     PP. 45-60      |     PDF (210 K)    |     Pub. Date: January 24, 2021
DOI: 10.54647/cm32348    177 Downloads     4574 Views  


Luis E.Voyer, Teaching and Research. Pedro de Elizalde Hospital. Associated with Medicine School. Buenos Aires' University. Argentina
Caupolicán Alvarado, Nephrology Department. Pedro de Elizalde Hospital. Associated with Medicine School. Buenos Aires' University. Argentina

Maillard reaction. Pathogenic effects. Certain organoleptic modifications by way of processing and cooking foods at high temperatures in dry heat, make them especially appetizing and object of addiction. It results from Mayllard reaction, or glycation, consisting on the non-enzymatic union between carbonyl groups, mainly from reducing sugars as glucose and fructose, with the amino groups of proteins and nucleic acids. In addition of physical changes, also the chemical structure and function of these compounds are changed. Besides exogenous glycation generated during the cooking of foods, recently in situ glycation has been reported in the intestinal lumen during digestion, when certain non-glycated foods are combined with fructose at the time of ingestion. In addition, endogenous glycation, which correlates in the extracellular mainly with blood glucose and in the intracellular with glycolysis metabolites and fructose, is especially significant. Since the 70s, with the frequent sucrose replacement by fructose, much more reactive than glucose, the presence of glycation products in processed foods and soft drinks increased. Pathogenic effects of these compounds, also called glycotoxins, are known to contribute to oxidative stress and inflammation. This increases progression of chronic diseases, well documented in diabetes, renal insufficiency, cardiovascular disease and ageing process and are being explored in many other chronic diseases as neurodegenerative diseases and early ageing. Based on the knowledge achieved so far, measures to preserve health are described by attending ways of cooking and processing foods, besides recomendations for the habits and antioxidants dietary intakes for inhibition or antagonism on glycotoxins.

Mayllard reaction, glycation, glycotoxins, oxidative stress

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Luis E.Voyer, Caupolicán Alvarado, Maillard reaction. Pathogenic effects. , SCIREA Journal of Clinical Medicine. Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2021 | PP. 45-60. 10.54647/cm32348


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