Research on Inequality of Household Consumption and Social Welfare from the Perspective of Household Non-medical Expenditure

Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2021     |     PP. 25-51      |     PDF (342 K)    |     Pub. Date: April 25, 2021
DOI: 10.54647/economics79224    113 Downloads     5342 Views  


Huan Liu, School of Public Administration, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Hang Zhou, China

In China, income inequality has been growing substantially over the last 40 years, especially after21st century.
By utilizing the inequality of consumption and social welfare, according to the differences in the composition of household consumption, medical consumption is used as the dividing standard to evaluate the inequality of non-medical consumption.
First,in terms of overall social welfare, the deterioration of consumption distribution has replaced the growth of social welfare caused by economic growth, and the estimated results under non-medical consumption inequality are less different from the overall. Second, the income inequality is the main positive factor affecting consumption inequality, but participating in medical insurance has a negative impact on the consumption inequality of urban and rural residents.
From the perspective of consumption policy interventions, it is necessary to promote government departments to better safeguard the health maintenance of healthy or sub-healthy people through health management policies.

household consumption;inequality;social welfare; economic growth; consumption distribution

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Huan Liu, Research on Inequality of Household Consumption and Social Welfare from the Perspective of Household Non-medical Expenditure , SCIREA Journal of Economics. Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2021 | PP. 25-51. 10.54647/economics79224


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