The laws of mutual adaptation and transformations applied to language origin and fostering artificial talent

Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2021     |     PP. 1-20      |     PDF (319 K)    |     Pub. Date: August 13, 2021
DOI: 10.54647/philosophy72059    70 Downloads     86079 Views  


Valeri F. VENDA, DSc (psychology), PhD (engineering), honorary fellow Human factors and ergonomics society (HFES), USA (since 2002), recipient international awards for outstanding research in psychology (USSR Academy of science, 1984) and in human factors and ergonomics society (USA, HFES, 1996). Ukraine
Sergei S. Kostenko, Student of the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine

V. Venda discovered four laws of mutual adaptation and transformations (Voprosy Phylosofii, #2, 2017). Previously the laws were tested and practically used in development of new, the transformation learning theory, in prediction of social and economic transitions, in studies of human-computer interaction, design of safe workstations, information gadgets and technological control systems, in development of new science much later named as usability. Here the laws and based on them theory of adaptation are being applied to phylogenesis of human intellect, language origin and evolution of human-environment mutual adaptation.
In 2014, N. Chomsky and other leading scientists concluded that modern science could not learn how language was originated. To study this mystery we applied our new laws. We needed to compare modern intellect with intellect those who were able to originate language. We concluded those were people with complete neocortex, the “supergeniuses”. “Supergeniuses” instead of the passive role of an evolutionary animal mainly adapting to the environment, subjugated to themselves the processes of mutual adaptation with the environment, minimizing man’s own evolution and thus his risky structural transformations.
Language as the most powerful means of mutual adaptation between people made it possible to better train, mutually adapt and organize large groups of warriors, hunters, and gatherers and thus successfully survive. Mutual adaptation proved to be a main system-developing factor in any system. In tribe, it worked especially well when language was originated. Language not only helped better mutually adapt members of tribe but it also helped to mutually disadapt members of the tribe with their enemies and easily find spies who were unable to use the tribe language as their native one.
However, the language helped well if it was alone within the tribe. The supergeniuses who continued creating the new languages had to be expelled from the tribes. Supergeniuses created about 7,000 languages. Peoples brought their languages and settled across the Earth as its masters.
With the beginning of the persecution of supergeniuses for creating new languages, they got stress and began to lose up to 70% of neocortex neurons before birth. That decreased their intellectual abilities. Possibly the most tragic coincidence occurred in evolution. Homo sapiens became masters of the planet and at the same time, they lost ability to predict remote consequences of their influence on environment and on their own life.
However, the remaining neurons are enough for children to be geniuses in the creative mastery of language and intuitively studying the laws of nature, including the laws of mutual adaptation. Using more productively sleep time an ordinary child may be brought up as a creative talent. The author confirmed this in experiment 70 years long.

laws of mutual adaptation and transformation, language origin, supergeniuses, subconscious creative thinking, artificial talent.

Cite this paper
Valeri F. VENDA, Sergei S. Kostenko, The laws of mutual adaptation and transformations applied to language origin and fostering artificial talent , SCIREA Journal of Philosophy. Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2021 | PP. 1-20. 10.54647/philosophy72059


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