Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2021     |     PP. 355-374      |     PDF (472 K)    |     Pub. Date: October 28, 2021
DOI: 10.54647/sociology84636    85 Downloads     4686 Views  


Mario Alonso Bermúdez Restrepo, Professor / researcher in Archeology area in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology of the University of Caldas. Student of the Master’s degree in Sciences of the earth in the University of Caldas and student of the Doctorate in FACSO National University of the Center of the province of Buenos Aires. Coordinator of the laboratory of archeology of the Caldas University. Colombia

The environmental context at the end of the Pleistocene has been the focus of anthropological research on the population movement that resulted in settlement of the American continent. We present an analysis of environmental conditions that could have affected the movement of humans and the subsequent population expansion into Central America and northern South America. Our research integrates Archaeological a palaeoecological literature and the regional physiographic characteristics during the end of the Pleistocene through the beginning of the Holocene (Last Glacial Maximum to the first part of the Holocene Hipstemal). We further evaluate question the models of dispersion and adaption of the ancient communities to the environmental challenges that faced the first settlers of the New World.

Pleistocene, LGM, Human Dispersion, Sud America

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Mario Alonso Bermúdez Restrepo, HUMAN OCUPATIONS AND ENVIRONMENT AT LAST PLEISTOCENE IN THE NORTH OF SOUTH AMERICA , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2021 | PP. 355-374. 10.54647/sociology84636


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