Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2021     |     PP. 95-113      |     PDF (1352 K)    |     Pub. Date: November 1, 2021
DOI: 10.54647/isss12168    96 Downloads     5348 Views  


Holovko V.V., Paton EWI, Kyiv, Ukraine
Taraborkin L.A., Paton EWI, Kyiv, Ukraine

The physical-chemical model describing the formation of nonmetal inclusions in welded metal of mild and low alloyed steels was developed. Thermomechanical calculations of reactions, which took place in a welding pool and determined the structure of nonmetal inclusions, were fulfilled. On a basis of the simulation the hypothesis about two stages formation of the inclusions was put forward. The first stage was in liquid metal during the period before pool crystallization, while the second being in the zone of a solid-liquid phase, which existed some time around the inclusions in a post crystallization period.
The mathematical device for numerical estimation of the chemical composition of nonmetal inclusions in each stage of their formation was created. The algorithm for the numerical simulation of the content of oxygen in a nonmetal phase both in before crystallization period and in a post crystallization one was elaborated, as well as the algorithm of calculating the chemical composition of a nonmetal phase, which was condensed on a surface refractory oxides as on a substrate in a biphase zone.
The computer program was developed for predicting nonmetal inclusion composition in weld metal and carrying out the numerical simulation of the influence of oxygen and deoxidizing elements on the composition of nonmetal inclusions.
The developed computer program was tested on experimental weld metal data. For this purpose SAW welding with agglomerated fluxes of HSLA steels samples, which contained inclusions with various structures, sizes and character of distribution, was fulfilled. For the same welds the calculations of inclusions composition were performed by the developed program. It was established that the created program of forecasting the chemical composition of nonmetal inclusions adequately described inclusions in a wide range of values of oxygen flux potential and contents of deoxidizing elements in them.


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Holovko V.V., Taraborkin L.A., COMPUTER SIMULATION OF NONMETAL INCLUTIONS CHEMICAL COMPOSITION IN WELD METAL , SCIREA Journal of Information Science and Systems Science. Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2021 | PP. 95-113. 10.54647/isss12168


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