Diversity management in multicultural learning processes among adult immigrants in Norway

Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2022     |     PP. 72-89      |     PDF (204 K)    |     Pub. Date: June 4, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/education88292    83 Downloads     4443 Views  


Christin Tønseth, Department of Education and Lifelong learning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim Norway

Learning plays an important role in the integration of newly arrived immigrants into the Norwegian society. One challenge in multicultural learning environments is how to discover and make use of diversity in multicultural groups. This is a theoretical article that present some challenges in multicultural learning processes identified in earlier research. Through a theoretical discussion, this paper discusses whether diversity management can have something to add into established adult learning perspectives when it comes to facilitating learning processes that value diversity. Some of the elements in the diversity management perspective seem to have something to add adult learning principles in terms of facilitating communication, enabling co-determination, valuing the learning potential that lies in diversity and create spaces for learning.

Diversity management, Multicultural learning environments, Adult learning theories, integration

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Christin Tønseth, Diversity management in multicultural learning processes among adult immigrants in Norway , SCIREA Journal of Education. Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2022 | PP. 72-89. 10.54647/education88292


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