The quality of life, anxiety, and depression in adults with mild intellectual disability during lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic in Greece

Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2021     |     PP. 625-651      |     PDF (419 K)    |     Pub. Date: November 16, 2021
DOI: 10.54647/cm32685    101 Downloads     6300 Views  


Ioannis Paxinos, University of Nicosia, Adjunct faculty position, Child Hospital P&A Kyriakou, Athens, Greece
Dimitra Chaldi, Speech & Language Pathologist at “Speech Rehabilitation Institute”, Patra, Greece
Natalia Paxinou, Stress Management and Health Promotion

The quality of life experiences of people with intellectual disability during the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic have received less attention in outcome research in Greece. The aim of this study was to investigate the perceived Quality of life perceptions, anxiety and depression, of individuals with a mild intellectual disability.
A sample of 101 individuals aged from 18-25 who had previously been diagnosed by child psychiatric services as having a mild intellectual disability participated in this cross-sectional study examining the impact of lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being of clients of psychiatric services. Τhe relationship between variables of interest and participants’ demographic characteristics was also analyzed.
Results showed that our sample reported moderate levels of quality of life, while expressing higher levels in the subscale of satisfaction and low levels of Independence. The employees of our sample referred higher satisfaction levels in comparison with the unemployed participants. We found also rather higher levels of anxiety and depression.
Results provide evidence that individuals with intellectual disabilities are able to give valid responses concerning the manner that they perceive their lives. Creation of basic data for further research is a future aim in case of a new outbreak. The future purpose is to create a database for further research in case of a new pandemic.

quality of life, stress, depression, intellectual disability, COVID-19 pandemic

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Ioannis Paxinos, Dimitra Chaldi, Natalia Paxinou, The quality of life, anxiety, and depression in adults with mild intellectual disability during lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic in Greece , SCIREA Journal of Clinical Medicine. Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2021 | PP. 625-651. 10.54647/cm32685


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