Evaluation of Manuscript Preference of Sci-Tech Periodicals: Structural Topic Models of Computer Engineering Related Publications in China

Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2022     |     PP. 22-43      |     PDF (1770 K)    |     Pub. Date: April 6, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/dee47268    88 Downloads     243992 Views  


Li Xiang, McGill University, Canada

To help scholars in computer engineering get to know the state-of-the-art topics and choose suitable journals to publish their work, the method that uses structural topic model (STM) to extract the topics of papers and uses the generalized linear model to analyze the influence of time on topic prevalence. Based on these results, the manuscript preferences of a journal are extracted. As an empirical experiment, a total number of 10320 papers are extracted from 3 different Chinese core computer engineering journals to analyze. As a result, 6 hotspots in the past 6 years in the Chinese computer engineering field are extracted, and the changes in topic prevalence in the Chinese computer engineering field over time are also studied. We believe our method could help researchers learn the most cutting-edge topics and choose suitable journals for them.

Information processing, computer engineering, academic papers publishing, manuscript preference, structural topic model

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Li Xiang, Evaluation of Manuscript Preference of Sci-Tech Periodicals: Structural Topic Models of Computer Engineering Related Publications in China , SCIREA Journal of Electrical Engineering. Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2022 | PP. 22-43. 10.54647/dee47268


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