Science, Technology and Development: Questioning the Technological Innovation through Biotechnology Cotton in Burkina Faso

Volume 6, Issue 4, August 2022     |     PP. 179-198      |     PDF (287 K)    |     Pub. Date: June 24, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/sociology84821    81 Downloads     4889 Views  


Sawadogo/Compaoré Eveline M.F.W., National Centre for Scientific and Technological Research, /Institut for Environment and Agricultural Research/ Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

The introduction of Bt cotton into the agricultural system in Burkina Faso has resulted in the devaluation of traditional knowledge and indigenous science, with the consequence of displacing the control of the ST-System of cotton by national actors (research, farmers, state) in favour of the interests and control of a private foreign actor (Monsanto), which has acted to maximise its economic gain at the expense of a large number of small farmers and the national agricultural research system. This finding challenges the new knowledge-centred development paradigm’s optimistic and abstract view about the role of science and technology in development. Specifically, the validity of the claim that science and technological interventions will per se generate socio-economic development is not sustained. The ST-System approach in addition to the Techno-Economic Networks (TENs) were used in order to evaluate the role of science in development. The paper demonstrates that the debate on transfer or internal development of technology in developing countries should not overshadow an understanding of the forms of political control (both domestically and internationally) that science and technology bring with them. Scientific and technological progress is not necessarily a panacea for development problems and in some cases may deepen poverty.

Innovation, Biotechnology, Development, Burkina Faso

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Sawadogo/Compaoré Eveline M.F.W., Science, Technology and Development: Questioning the Technological Innovation through Biotechnology Cotton in Burkina Faso , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 6, Issue 4, August 2022 | PP. 179-198. 10.54647/sociology84821


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