Factors Affecting Adoption of Water Management Practices by Vegetable Producers in Eastern Canada

Volume 6, Issue 4, August 2022     |     PP. 199-227      |     PDF (1987 K)    |     Pub. Date: August 23, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/sociology84866    91 Downloads     4570 Views  


Ana-Maria Bogdan, Quantitative Research Manager and Specialist, Canadian Hub for Applied and Social Research, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Suren Kulshreshtha, Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK

Irrigation and drainage practices are necessary to produce high value horticultural crops. With an increasing population, and a decrease in water resources brought forward by climate change and competing uses from other sectors, there is a concern that water for irrigation purposes might be less readily available in the future. This situation can pose serious economic risks to agricultural producers and environmental risks to habitats and ecosystems. Producers’ adoption of improved water management practices or technologies has a potential to solve this issue. This study evaluated best (beneficial) management practices (BMP) in Ontario and Quebec for three crops – tomatoes, cranberries, and onions. To identify key determinants of adoption and perception of the BMP, a binary logistic (logit) model was estimated. Factors considered included a mixture of farm, producer and BMP characteristics. Producers’ perception that a BMP is better than the one they are currently using (degree to which a BMP is being perceived as a better alternative), explained most of the adoption outcomes. A grower with specialized farm, with higher education, a positive perception of the BMP, and mainly financial goals from farming was indicated to adopt the BMP more likely.

Adoption, Best Management Practices, Ontario, Quebec, Water Table Management

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Ana-Maria Bogdan, Suren Kulshreshtha, Factors Affecting Adoption of Water Management Practices by Vegetable Producers in Eastern Canada , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 6, Issue 4, August 2022 | PP. 199-227. 10.54647/sociology84866


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