A Study of the Relationship between the Consistency of Self- and Other-Evaluation, Attitudes toward Evaluation Feedback and Leadership Behavior Change Intention

Volume 7, Issue 5, October 2022     |     PP. 149-172      |     PDF (288 K)    |     Pub. Date: October 31, 2022
DOI: 10.54647/education88378    95 Downloads     4659 Views  


Tsai-Feng Cheng, Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan
Lung-An Shen, Cheng Shiu University, Taiwan
Ping-Yun Chen, Elementary School, Taiwan
Yie-jen Wu, Ruei-shiang Senior High School, Taiwan

This study sought to investigate the current situation of the consistency of self- and other-evaluation in elementary school principals’ leadership effectiveness and the difference between different consistencies in attitudes toward evaluation feedback and behavior change intention; to discuss the relationship between elementary school principals’ attitudes toward evaluation feedback and their behavior change intention; and to examine the predictive relationship of the consistency of elementary school principals’ leadership effectiveness evaluation and attitudes toward evaluation feedback on behavior change intention.The 783 people, including education bureau officials, principals, teachers, and parents, were picked to conduct leadership effectiveness evaluation on 87 elementary school principals based on the ideas and methods of 360 degree feedback. After turning the original scores into z-scores, self- and other-evaluation results were compared and divided into the four categories of overestimation, underestimation, in-agreement/good and in-agreement /poor. In the current research, the results of self- and other-evaluation were mailed to the 87 principals along with the Questionnaire of Attitudes toward Evaluation Feedback and the Questionnaire of Leadership Behavior Change Intention. With 79 valid questionnaires returned, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis were used for statistical analyses.This study gained important findings as follows: Elementary school principals show high-intermediate approval in attitudes toward overall evaluation feedback and high approval in leadership behavior change intention. There is no significant difference between elementary school principals with different consistencies of self- and other-evaluation in either attitudes toward evaluation feedback or behavior change intention. Elementary school principals’ attitudes toward evaluation feedback and behavior change intention are highly correlated. The consistency of self- and other-evaluation and attitudes toward evaluation feedback can effectively predict principals’ leadership behavior change intention; attitudes toward evaluation feedback have the best predictability, reaching 54.8 percent.

Leadership Effectiveness, 360 Degree Feedback, Consistency of Self- and Other-Evaluation, Attitudes toward Evaluation Feedback, Behavior Change Intention

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Tsai-Feng Cheng, Lung-An Shen, Ping-Yun Chen, Yie-jen Wu, A Study of the Relationship between the Consistency of Self- and Other-Evaluation, Attitudes toward Evaluation Feedback and Leadership Behavior Change Intention , SCIREA Journal of Education. Volume 7, Issue 5, October 2022 | PP. 149-172. 10.54647/education88378


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