Exploring the emotional experience of "emptiness" in audio-visual immersive installation art --Take "Digital Wasteland" as an example

Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2023     |     PP. 36-47      |     PDF (371 K)    |     Pub. Date: April 9, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/isss120278    68 Downloads     99348 Views  


Xu Li, School of Innovation and Design, China Academy of Art

With the accelerated use of science and technology in the arts, the interactive experiences and emotional changes constructed in digital technology are becoming more and more abundant.In this new dynamic space-time mode, the immersive installation art uses the central integrated projection equipment, combined with split-screen projection and ground projection, to construct an "emptiness" holographic audio-visual experience space as a whole, creating a surrounding 360-degree movie effect. Perceived roles, emotions, and imagination have all changed, reinforcing time and space in continuous motion, creating an "emptiness" multidimensional experience and digital aesthetic possibilities.This research will take the art work "Digital Wasteland" as an example to understand the psychological change process of the audience's emotional experience in the experimental operation, and use the "emptiness" construction method to stimulate the audio-visual perception. actual, imagined or implied experience; Evoking the audience's emotional experience in immersive audiovisual perception: one is a contemplative distance gaze, the other is an experiential emotional imagination.In a word, this study can help us to explain the new technology media style or immersive art theory in the way of "emptiness". By placing human beings in time, space and continuous images, it can be found that "emptiness" constructs the difference between material and immaterial, static and dynamic,But "emptiness" can be used to determine the relationship between illusory and matter, space and time.

Emptiness, Immersion, Installation art, Experiment

Cite this paper
Xu Li, Exploring the emotional experience of "emptiness" in audio-visual immersive installation art --Take "Digital Wasteland" as an example , SCIREA Journal of Information Science and Systems Science. Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2023 | PP. 36-47. 10.54647/isss120278


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