Teachers as Digital Immigrants: Does Hybrid Identity Facilitate Integration in the Digital World?

Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2023     |     PP. 89-108      |     PDF (743 K)    |     Pub. Date: May 4, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/education880431    87 Downloads     4127 Views  


Dr. Stavissky Yuliya, Al- Qasemi Academy ( Lecture, Department of Education), Israel; Ahad- Aham JHS, senior teacher, EFL department, Israel

This study adopted a model from the immigration literature and viewed the transformation of teachers into the digital world as immigration – resembles geographical immigration. The study focused on teachers’ hybrid (digital and traditional) identity as digital immigrants during their immigration and examined the role of innovative school climate and technological training as moderators. Data was collected from 145 teachers from junior high and high schools. The findings indicated that the hybrid identity significantly predicted objective and subjective integration of the teachers as digital immigrants, especially when the innovative climate of the school and digital training of the teachers were low.

Digital immigrants, objective and subjective integration, digital world, hybrid identity

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Dr. Stavissky Yuliya, Teachers as Digital Immigrants: Does Hybrid Identity Facilitate Integration in the Digital World? , SCIREA Journal of Education. Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2023 | PP. 89-108. 10.54647/education880431


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