Circular law doctrine

Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2023     |     PP. 189-199      |     PDF (243 K)    |     Pub. Date: June 5, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/sociology841084    88 Downloads     4500 Views  


Olga Mikichurova, Department of Finance and Credit, Financial – Legal College, Kyiv 03087, Ukraine
Illia Vlialko, Department of Comparative and European Law, Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv 04119, Ukraine

The article is devoted to the study of the sources of formation of the doctrine of international circular law. Circular law is defined as a set of legal norms that define and regulate social relations in the field of a circular economy. The authors insist that circular law as a branch of international public law is now only being formed. The research shows that circular law is influenced by many factors in the process of its formation. Among them, the authors singled out a close connection with the norms of international public law and its branch - international economic law. In particular, they noted that general multilateral treaties play a significant role in circular law. The study reveals a great influence of international universal organizations (UN) and regional organizations (EU) on the development and formation of circular law. A peculiar role in the development of circular law at the international level was played by international environmental conferences, at which declarations were adopted outlining special environmental principles. The authors pay attention to the concept of sustainable development and emphasize that the concept most accurately defines the essence of the circular economy. Such a clear definition has had the greatest impact on the formation of international and national circular law. Moreover, a number of national legal acts of Germany, Great Britain, Finland, Denmark, Scotland, Australia, China, Canada, the United States, Japan, and some others have also made a significant contribution to the process of formation of circular law. It is worth noting that the important basis of circular law lies in the provision of human rights. The authors propose such a definition of the doctrine of circular law as a legal theory, which is formed on the basis of the norms of national and international law, the law-making of international organizations and reflects the transition of mankind to a circular economic model.

circular law, sustainable development, circular economy, circular law doctrine, ecology

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Olga Mikichurova, Illia Vlialko, Circular law doctrine , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2023 | PP. 189-199. 10.54647/sociology841084


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