Hydrology, carbon and contours - The Future of Farming

Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2023     |     PP. 106-136      |     PDF (311 K)    |     Pub. Date: July 25, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/agriculture210360    89 Downloads     150788 Views  


Adam Willson, soilsystemsaustralia@gmail.com
Gwyn Jones, gjones@healthyag.com
Greg Paynter, greg.paynter1@bigpond.com
Garry Edser, gedser@finrank.biz
Duane Norris, duanejen1@bigpond.com
Michal Kravcik, kravcik.michal@gmail.com

Since settlement Australian agriculture has transitioned from hydrated carbon rich landscapes abundant in trees and diverse pastoral systems to a continent dominated by low carbon soils, overgrazed grasslands and vast fields of annual monoculture crops. Inappropriate farming practices including deforestation have led to longer intervals between sporadic and extreme rain events, highly incised streams and declining aquifer recharging. Landscape drainage has had a sizeable hydrological impact resulting in significant drops in annual rainfall and increased desertification. All this culminated in the uncontrolled wildfires that took place in 2019 and 2020 and extreme floods in 2021 and 2022.
Research indicates that these water-retention measures and practices can lower the regional temperature by 1.6°C and have the potential to increase production by 15-45% adding significantly to national food security. Further, they provide tangible ways to reduce the intensity of Australia’s, Europe’s, Asia’s and North America’s droughts, fires and floods.

Desertification, contour farming, food security, migration

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Adam Willson, Gwyn Jones, Greg Paynter, Garry Edser, Duane Norris, Michal Kravcik, Hydrology, carbon and contours - The Future of Farming , SCIREA Journal of Agriculture. Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2023 | PP. 106-136. 10.54647/agriculture210360


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