Los procesos de mando y obediencia en Pequeñas maniobra

Volume 7, Issue 5, October 2023     |     PP. 311-324      |     PDF (275 K)    |     Pub. Date: September 18, 2023
DOI: 10.54647/sociology841138    55 Downloads     46656 Views  


Souria El Hamouti, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid. España.

Pequeñas maniobras is the second novel of the Cuban writer Virgilio Piñera (1912 – 1979), which its principal topic is the passive fight against the oppression, because its protagonist, Sebastian, is conscious about the impact that the society has in his way of life, and he chooses to survive submitted to it with the purpose to evade any type of pain and even achieve some trace of happiness among the decay and the repression that a totalitarian society imposes him.
The novel is a praise to the nihilism representing the restlessness of our author in the range of the absence of fight, determining how he could have survived to his incidents in case that if he had chosen not to fight for his liberty of expression, but to adapt his behaviour to the Cuban government that was ruling in that period. Remember that any suspect of intellectual revolution that was shown in that time, was categorically executed, so, our author knew the risks that suppose to show his opinions publicly, and in his way he tried to fight the injustice that was ruling.
Among the different authors that we used to support our understanding about Pequeñas maniobras we should emphasize Judith Butler, who analyzes perfectly the chain of submission, she introduces us in the leadership process and of the submission, which are complementary to each other and cannot survive separately and independently.
Wilhelm Schmid in his part, foresees the transformation of the man through the thought of oneself, making use of the works of his own bibliography. In this way we can understand better our author through the works that his pen has left us.

Palabras clave: Pequeñas maniobras, mando y sometimiento, sociedad infantilizada, renuncia a la libertad.

Cite this paper
Souria El Hamouti, Los procesos de mando y obediencia en Pequeñas maniobra , SCIREA Journal of Sociology. Volume 7, Issue 5, October 2023 | PP. 311-324. 10.54647/sociology841138


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