SCIREA Journal of Physics (ISSN: 2706-8862)

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Volume 9, Issue 5, October 2024

Open Access
Vitaly Uzikov
Abstract: The present paper introduces the conceptual design of a pool-type research reactor facility with a three-circuit cooling system. The advantages of creating a comprehensive cooling system for the research reactor, based on a combination of forced and natural coolant circulation, are substantiated. The use of "dry" cooling to
Abstract       References PDF (2870 k) 11 Downloads     341 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140639
Open Access
Abstract: It is established that the basis of transformations using the Lorentz method is the Rule of Simultaneity, which explains the physical meaning of similar transformations. It is shown that the Lorentz method is applicable for both inertial reference systems (IRF) andnon-inertial reference systems (NRS), regardless of the spee
Abstract       References PDF (901 k) 23 Downloads     383 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140636

Volume 9, Issue 4, August 2024

Open Access
Kaushlendra Chaturvedi
Abstract: The sterile neutrino contribution to neutrinoless double beta (0νββ) decay has been first studied within a specific model with the two sterile neutrinos mixed only with the νe flavor state. In the present paper, we assume that in addition to the three conventional light neutrinos there exists only one Majorana neutrino mass
Abstract       References PDF (1448 k) 22 Downloads     1820 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140635
Open Access
Emmanuel Saucedo-Flores, Víctor Manuel Rangel-Cobián, Rubén Ruelas Lepe
Abstract: This work presents a straightforward trigonometric derivation of two fine-structure constant-based analytical expressions to calculate the hydrogen 21 cm radio wavelength, H21. This expression is transformed into two equations with an energy-frequency interpretation for the Planck constant whose exact numerical value can be
Abstract       References PDF (1223 k) 23 Downloads     1316 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140637

Volume 9, Issue 3, June 2024

Open Access
Qing Cao, Jing Xu
Abstract: This paper aims to realize the reduction between/among different valid categorical syllogisms and establish a concise formal axiomatic system for categorical syllogistic. Making full use of the tripartite structure of categorical propositions, the symmetry of no and some, the definable relationship between the quantifier al
Abstract       References PDF (252 k) 22 Downloads     2636 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140624
Open Access
Nasko Elektronov
Abstract: In this paper, in the absence of forces we show how it is possible calculated the velocity of a moving uniform and rectilinear body without use external benchmarks. This is done using photodetectors that measure the arrival time of light from a point internal source to fixed equal distances inside the body.
We also
Abstract       References PDF (1277 k) 38 Downloads     2782 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140628
Open Access
A.V. Bunyakin
Abstract: This work is based on the topological properties of the solution one-dimensional unsteady gas flow system with constant speed sonic. The paper presents the principle of constructing a mesoscopic analogy-computing device that implements addition and multiplication operations. The fie effect, which is modeled by these operati
Abstract       References PDF (1509 k) 28 Downloads     3097 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140627

Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2024

Open Access
Nasko Elektronov
Abstract: This paper compares the magnetic fields of linearly moving charges with those of orbit ally moving charges. With simple qualitative experiments are shown the structure of the magnetic fields created by these movements. The concept of a pole less magnetic field is introduced, which is created by linear and inertial moving po
Abstract       References PDF (1809 k) 46 Downloads     183306 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140618
Open Access
Song Xiao Wu, Xing Chen, Hui Liu
Abstract: In 1900, Rayleigh put forward a complete expression of blackbody radiation distribution function, but the specific coefficient value was not given. It was not until 1905 that Rayleigh reconsidered the problem of blackbody radiation in the long wave region that he calculated the specific coefficient value, but the coefficien
Abstract       References PDF (384 k) 55 Downloads     36380 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140620

Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2024

Open Access
Lei Qiang
Abstract: Based on the double exponential distributions of trap states in the channel of the hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin film transistor (a-Si:H TFT), a new extraction method of the threshold voltage for a-Si:H TFTs has been developed. By taking advantage of the conductivity, the expression of the drain current corresponding
Abstract       References PDF (281 k) 38 Downloads     205285 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140606
Open Access
Steven D. Deines
Abstract: In his 1905 special relativity paper, Einstein defined clock synchronization occurs when photon transmissions traverse a distance (or rod) with equal time spans in either direction. With a universal photon speed, he discovered clocks on the ends of a rod moving parallel with uniform velocity cannot be synchronized, but cloc
Abstract       References PDF (1734 k) 20 Downloads     241252 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140605

Volume 8, Issue 6, December 2023

Open Access
Nasko Elektronov, Zhivko Kushev
Abstract: The influence of the Coriolis inertial force, generated by orbital and spin motions of distant objects, on the energies of electromagnetic radiation during the exchange of photons between them is shown. The presence of a red or blue spectral shift arising from this influence has been demonstrated, which is fully consistent
Abstract       References PDF (1576 k) 85 Downloads     205227 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140592
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In the n^+(p^+)-p(n) crystalline (X\equivGe, GaSb, CdTe or CdSe)-junction solar cells at 300K, due to the effects of impurity size, temperature, heavy doping, and photovoltaic conversion, we show that, with an increasing donor (acceptor)-radius r_{d\left(a\right)}, both the relative dielectric constant and photovoltaic conv
Abstract       References PDF (1349 k) 43 Downloads     205818 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140591
Open Access
H. Van Cong, K. C. Ho-Huynh Thi, P. Blaise, C. T. Pivet, C. V. Huynh, M. Cayrol, S. Munoz
Abstract: In two new single n^+(p^+)-p(n)\ X(x)-alloy junction solar cells at 300 K,\ [X(x)\equivCdS_{1-x}{\rm Se}_x, CdS_{1-x}{\rm Te}_x],0\lex\le1, by basing on the same physical model-and-treatment method, as used in our recent works [1, 2], we obtain the highest (or maximal) efficiencies, \eta_{Imax.(IImax.)}, given in the foll
Abstract       References PDF (1420 k) 73 Downloads     205273 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140600

Volume 8, Issue 5, October 2023

Open Access
Eugene V. Oleinikov, Alexander I. Lengyel, Oleg O. Parlag, Volodymyr T. Maslyuk, Igor V. Pylypchynets
Abstract: A parametric description of the dependence of the average number of prompt neutrons on the mass of fragments ν(A) from the actinides ( 235U and 238U) photofission has been developed for the range of energies of the first chance of fission (from thresholds of (γ,f) reaction to thresholds of (γ,nf) react
Abstract       References PDF (3288 k) 69 Downloads     169994 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140574
Open Access
Abstract: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences transformation into experimental research institution during the second half of 20th century has examined briefly. New scientific branches together with new members of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences have shown. Self-made scientific apparatuses and new scientific and applied results have pointed out.
Abstract       References PDF (524 k) 77 Downloads     205327 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140577
Open Access
Emmanuel Saucedo-Flores, Víctor Manuel Rangel-Cobián
Abstract: The proton magnetic moment is computed by considering its quarks generated currents based in orbit-like circuits created as they are carted along by its hauler spin. Equations are derived for each quark magnetic moment for two possible rotations modes; needed quarks configurations for each rotation mode to obtain the experi
Abstract       References PDF (2979 k) 71 Downloads     205506 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140579
Open Access
Shtyrov Nikolay
Abstract: The physical properties of force diagrams of kinetic macroindentation of materials by the Brinell sphere are studied. Theoretical and experimental substantiation of physical concepts of the function and number of hardness, new analytical methods for analyzing data from the process of kinetic macroindentation. Universal phys
Abstract       References PDF (2344 k) 67 Downloads     205800 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140571

Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023

Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In the n(p)-type heavily doped InSb-crystals, at the temperature T and high d(a)-density N, our expression for the static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), expressed as a function of the donor (acceptor) radius, r_{d\left(a\right)}, and determined by using an effective Bohr model, as that inv
Abstract       References PDF (1418 k) 65 Downloads     3911 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140560
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: As given in Eq. (2) and Table 1, our analytical expression for the static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), given in the n(p)-type InAs crystal, expressed as a function of the donor (acceptor) radius, r_{d\left(a\right)}, and determined from an effective Bohr model, decreases with increasing
Abstract       References PDF (1418 k) 74 Downloads     4022 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140561
Open Access
H. Van Cong, K. C. Ho-Huynh Thi, P. Blaise
Abstract: As given in Eq. (2) and Table 1, our analytical expression for the static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), given in the n(p)-type GaSb crystal, expressed as a function of the donor (acceptor) radius, r_{d\left(a\right)}, and determined from an effective Bohr model, decreases with increasing
Abstract       References PDF (1437 k) 70 Downloads     3947 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140562
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In our two previous papers [1, 2], referred to as I and II. In I, our new expression for the extrinsic static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), r_{d\left(a\right)} being the donor (acceptor) d(a)-radius, was determined by using an effective Bohr model, suggesting that, for an increasing r_{d\
Abstract       References PDF (1444 k) 75 Downloads     4097 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140565
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In our two previous papers [1, 2], referred to as I and II. In I, our new expression for the extrinsic static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), r_{d\left(a\right)} being the donor (acceptor) d(a)-radius, was determined by using an effective Bohr model, suggesting that, for an increasing r_{d\
Abstract       References PDF (1440 k) 68 Downloads     3889 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140566
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In our two previous papers [1, 2], referred to as I and II. In I, our new expression for the extrinsic static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), r_{d\left(a\right)} being the donor (acceptor) d(a)-radius, was determined by using an effective Bohr model, suggesting that, for an increasing r_{d\
Abstract       References PDF (1437 k) 65 Downloads     3859 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140568
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In our two previous papers [1, 2], referred to as I and II. In I, our new expression for the extrinsic static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), r_{d\left(a\right)} being the donor (acceptor) d(a)-radius, was determined by using an effective Bohr model, suggesting that, for an increasing r_{d\
Abstract       References PDF (1443 k) 74 Downloads     4011 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140567
Open Access
Andreas Mangler, Julian Eise, Qi Zhang
Abstract: Nowadays more and more health risks are increasing. Beside the viruses, there are also other particles which have an impact on the human well-being. The so called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are substances in the air and can be harmful in high concentrations. Therefore, the detection of VOC value is particularly important.
Abstract       References PDF (490 k) 75 Downloads     40675 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140564

Volume 8, Issue 3, June 2023

Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In our three previous papers [1, 2, 3], referred to as I, II and III. In I and II, our new expression for the static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), r_{d\left(a\right)} being the donor (acceptor) d(a)-radius, was determined by using an effective Bohr model, suggesting that, for an increasin
Abstract       References PDF (1439 k) 86 Downloads     3953 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140547
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In the n(p)-type degenerate GaAs-crystals, at low temperature T and high d(a)-density N, our expression for the static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), expressed as a function of the donor (acceptor) radius, r_{d\left(a\right)}, and determined by using an effective Bohr model, as that invest
Abstract       References PDF (1416 k) 94 Downloads     3780 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140552
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In the n(p)-type degenerate InP-crystals, at low temperature T and high d(a)-density N, our expression for the static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), expressed as a function of the donor (acceptor) radius, r_{d\left(a\right)}, and determined by using an effective Bohr model, as that investi
Abstract       References PDF (1418 k) 75 Downloads     4079 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140553
Open Access
Emmanuel Saucedo-Flores, Víctor Manuel Rangel-Cobián
Abstract: This paper makes use of the Planck constant based definition of the Bohr magneton expression and the standard derivation of the magnetic moment of a point-like electron orbiting on a circle with a radius equal to its Compton wavelength. This illustrates the wave-like nature of the normal electron magnetic moment. Additiona
Abstract       References PDF (406 k) 93 Downloads     4036 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140558
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In the n(p)-type degenerate Ge-crystals, at low temperature T and high d(a)-density N, our expression for the static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), expressed as a function of the donor (acceptor) radius, r_{d\left(a\right)}, and determined by using an effective Bohr model, as that investig
Abstract       References PDF (1418 k) 89 Downloads     4168 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140556

Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2023

Open Access
Hao Zhou, Xiang Liu, Weiguo Zhang, Yiwen Liao
Abstract: The objective of this work is to construct a new efficient numerical scheme to solve the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model. For the space discretization, Chebyshev spectral method proposed on Legendre orthogonal approximations on Gauss- Chebyshev- Lobatto points. A high-order Runge-Kutta algorithm was used in the time direction. The fu
Abstract       References PDF (395 k) 89 Downloads     4061 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140526
Open Access
Nikolay Takuchev
Abstract: Introduction: According to the results from several studies high-energy positive solar particles’ fluxes, invading Earth are correlated with mortality from ischemic heart diseases. According to statistics from World Health Organization (WHO), ischemic heart diseases are the first on the list of the 10 most frequent c
Abstract       References PDF (1449 k) 79 Downloads     4372 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140528
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In our two previous papers [1, 2], referred to as I and II. In I, our new expression for the extrinsic static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), r_{d\left(a\right)} being the donor (acceptor) d(a)-radius, was determined by using an effective Bohr model, suggesting that, for an increasing r_{d\
Abstract       References PDF (1440 k) 76 Downloads     4211 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140524
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In our two previous papers [1, 2], referred to as I and II. In I, our new expression for the extrinsic static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), r_{d\left(a\right)} being the donor (acceptor) d(a)-radius, was determined by using an effective Bohr model, suggesting that, for an increasing r_{d\
Abstract       References PDF (1439 k) 75 Downloads     4201 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140529
Open Access
Syaharuddin Kasim, Subehan, Gemini Alam, Yusnita Rifai, Ismail, Sarce, Rifka Nurul Utami
Abstract: Over time, new extraction methods have been developed, one of which is the Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) method. The mechanism of action of this method is to use microwave energy to heat the solvents that come into contact with the sample. The problem is whether carrageenan can be extracted from the red algae Kapp
Abstract       References PDF (1479 k) 101 Downloads     4053 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140518
Open Access
H.-Q. Liu
Abstract: Based on the historical viewpoints and our published viewpoints, and also adding some deeper insight, in this paper new explanations are given to the Solar system and the Galaxy. We also clarify the prevalent theory of matters to indicate that the method of dating ancient sites with carbon-14(C-14) is invalid.
Abstract       References PDF (1096 k) 89 Downloads     4094 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14508
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In our two previous papers [1, 2], referred to as I and II. In I, our new expression for the extrinsic static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), r_{d\left(a\right)} being the donor (acceptor) d(a)-radius, was determined by using an effective Bohr model, suggesting that, for an increasing r_{d\
Abstract       References PDF (1442 k) 84 Downloads     4128 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140532
Open Access
Ke Meng, Enbo Liu
Abstract: The electronic equipment needs a special circuit design during working in complex electromagnetic environmental. Human-made or natural electromagnetic interference has a large effect on electronics. Both the couple of signal cable and the bit error rate during high-speed communication affects the reliability of equipment. T
Abstract       References PDF (1975 k) 91 Downloads     3975 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140541

Volume 8, Issue 1, February 2023

Open Access
Uthayakaren (Uthayan) Thurairajah
Abstract: Understanding the human visual system’s night-time performance is essential for designing safe lighting for night-time travel. Visibility is a complex assessment process, but our current understanding of how the eye receives and processes light and how well the eye can distinguish objects in different lighting levels and d
Abstract       References PDF (401 k) 104 Downloads     4700 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140512
Open Access
Emmanuel Saucedo-Flores, Víctor Manuel Rangel-Cobián
Abstract: A novel H atom model is devised using electron orbits located in planes not passing through the proton and are transversal or perpendicular to an axis originating at the proton center, and hence they are orthogonal to the longitudinal planes used in Bohr H atom model. The physical foundations for the proposed model are desc
Abstract       References PDF (3778 k) 82 Downloads     4054 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics140515

Volume 7, Issue 6, December 2022

Open Access
Akram Tovbaev, Muxtar Ibadulaev, Zokir Safarov
Abstract: This article considers the mode of excitation of sub harmonic oscillations of the third order in a three-phase circuit consisting of active, capacitive and inductive elements having a common magnetic bond, which are analogous to the power line "line - unloaded transformer". Equations of motion are derived from the method of
Abstract       References PDF (1256 k) 87 Downloads     4216 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14501
Open Access
Minhua Chen
Abstract: According to Aristole’s Categories, there are three kinds of concept, i.e. substance, quality and quantity in physics. With the question “What is heat?”we mean : is heat a substance, a quality or a quantity? Historically, heat was referred to a substance caloric. Now, it is prevailed that heat is a quantity Q, also called “
Abstract       References PDF (243 k) 62 Downloads     4270 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14487

Volume 7, Issue 5, October 2022

Open Access
O A Jumaev, V B Pulatov, S S Turaev, O S Goziev
Abstract: The article considers the possibilities of algorithmic solutions when creating interfaces based on microcontrollers, which make it possible to reduce the number of mandatory procedures in the organization of multiplex channels with galvanic isolation. The issues of elimination of interferences that affect the accuracy of me
Abstract       References PDF (2048 k) 71 Downloads     4052 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14478
Open Access
Jumaev O A, Sayfulin R R, Shermurodova M F, Arziyev E I
Abstract: Algorithmic methods for eliminating interference that affect the accuracy of measuring input signals in measuring channels are considered. Methods for input and processing of signals in the form of currents and voltages in analog modules of measuring channels of the control system are presented. It also considers some ways
Abstract       References PDF (1231 k) 91 Downloads     4379 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14479
Open Access
H. Van Cong, K. C. Ho-Huynh Thi, R. Brouzet, P. Blaise, B. Zeghmati
Abstract: In the n^+(p^+)-p(n) crystalline Si-junction solar cells, by basing on a same treatment method, and for a same heavy (low) doping effect, as those given in our recent paper (RP) [1], but using now a new expression, obtained for the relative dielectric constant \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), determined exactly
Abstract       References PDF (1349 k) 95 Downloads     4146 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14489
Open Access
H. Van Cong, K. C. Ho-Huynh Thi, C. T. Huynh-Pivet, A. Pivet, P. Damien
Abstract: In the n^+(p^+)-p(n) crystalline GaAs-junction solar cells, by basing on a same treatment method, and for a same heavy (low) doping effect, as those given in our recent paper (RP) [1], but using now a new expression, obtained for the relative dielectric constant \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), determined exactl
Abstract       References PDF (1346 k) 88 Downloads     5013 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14490
Open Access
H. Van Cong, K. C. Ho-Huynh Thi, C. T. Huynh-Pivet, A. Pivet, C. V. Huynh, A. L. Pivet, I. Pivet
Abstract: In the n^+(p^+)-p(n) crystalline InP-junction solar cells, by basing on a same treatment method, and for a same heavy (low) doping effect, as those investigate in our recent papers [1, 2], but using now a new expression, obtained for the static relative dielectric constant \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), determ
Abstract       References PDF (1340 k) 74 Downloads     4011 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14491
Open Access
H. Van Cong
Abstract: In the n(p)-type degenerate semiconductors, our expression for the relative static dielectric constant, \varepsilon\left(r_{d\left(a\right)}\right), is determined by an effective Bohr model, r_{d\left(a\right)} being the donor (acceptor) d(a)-radius, suggesting that, for an increasing r_{d\left(a\right)}, both \varepsilon\l
Abstract       References PDF (1203 k) 74 Downloads     4224 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14498

Volume 7, Issue 4, August 2022

Open Access
Emmanuel Saucedo-Flores, Rogelio Guerrero Gonzalez
Abstract: This work presents an expansion of the Tauc absorption model equation by incorporating into it five proportional factors. The new equation is then solved for the original exponent factor, normally having a value chosen among 0.5, 3/2, 2 and 3, which is related to the optical transition type involved in typical photon absor
Abstract       References PDF (948 k) 104 Downloads     4228 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14469
Open Access
H. Van Cong, K. C. Ho-Huynh Thi, P. Blaise, R. Brouzet, O. Henri-Rousseau
Abstract: The present manuscript is a revised form of that, with MN: 14473) In our recent works [1, 2], by basing on: (1) the effects of heavy(light) doping and donor (acceptor), d(a), size , which affect the total carrier-minority saturation current density J_{oI(II)}\equivJ_{En(p)o}+J_{Bp(n)o},\ J_{En(p)o}(J_{Bp(n)o}),\ being in
Abstract       References PDF (1333 k) 78 Downloads     5423 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14475
Open Access
Mei Xiaochun, Huang Zhixun, Yuan Canlun
Abstract: General relativity introduced the harmonic coordinate condition under the weak field condition and obtained the linear plane wave solution based on the Einstein's equations of gravitational fields, declaring the existence of gravitational waves. But so far, general relativity has never proved the existence of spherical gra
Abstract       References PDF (219 k) 72 Downloads     4219 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14481

Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2022

Open Access
Dr. Parin Somani
Abstract: In 2022 the Doomsday Day Clock struck one hundred seconds to midnight alerting humanity to the seriousness of global security in contemporary life. This study aims to identify the significance of the doomsday clock in the new normal world. There is an endeavour to provide recommendations to facilitate increased time away
Abstract       References PDF (262 k) 95 Downloads     4304 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14432
Open Access
H. Van Cong, K. C. Ho-Huynh Thi, P. Blaise, O. Henri-Rousseau, R. Brouzet, J. Sulian, M. Cayrol
Abstract: In our recent two works [1, 2], by basing on: (1) the effects of heavy(light) doping and donor (acceptor), d(a), size , which affect the total carrier-minority saturation current density J_{oI(II)}\equivJ_{En(p)o}+J_{Bp(n)o},\ J_{En(p)o}(J_{Bp(n)o}),\ being injected respectively into the heavily doped donor (acceptor)-Si e
Abstract       References PDF (1377 k) 99 Downloads     5175 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14465

Volume 7, Issue 2, April 2022

Open Access
Mei Xiaochun
Abstract: Based on the gravitational field equations of general relativity, Einstein proposed a formula to calculate the precession of Mercury’s perihelion in 1915. It is pointed out in this paper that there were four mistakes in Einstein's original paper. The first was the mistake of integral calculation discovered by Huadi in 2015.
Abstract       References PDF (1770 k) 96 Downloads     4391 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14418
Open Access
Linan Sun, Antao Wang
Abstract: In this paper we consider a more general singular perturbation problem, that is, -epsilon u ''(x) - a(x)u'(x) + b(x)u(x) = f(x) (0 < epsilon << 1) on an adaptive grid. The mesh is constructed adaptively by equidistributing a monitor function based on the arc-length of the approximated solutions. Our analysis provide insight
Abstract       References PDF (281 k) 87 Downloads     4215 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14429

Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2022

Open Access
A. Sissoko, A. Chousseaud, T. Razban, M. Brunet, S. Ginestar, B. Diourté
Abstract: The performances of two microstrip patch antennas with low visual impact are presented in this paper and compared to an opaque solution. These consist in a copper film deposited on a Borofloat 33 glass substrate through a thin titanium gripping layer. The mesh is obtained by wet chemical etching. Antennas differ by the dime
Abstract       References PDF (552 k) 82 Downloads     4504 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14409
Open Access
Richard Oldani
Abstract: The primary content of this paper consists of direct quotes from Einstein, arguments about the nature of the photon from over 100 years ago that have been quietly ignored because they are not in conformance with interpretations of quantum mechanics according to the standard model. Although faulted for his disagreements with
Abstract       References PDF (269 k) 82 Downloads     4592 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14403
Open Access
Mei Xiaochun
Abstract: In this paper, a standard method is provided to calculate the gravitational deflection of light in the solar system by using the Newtonian theory of gravity. The equation of light’s motion in general relativity is compared with that of the Newton's theory of gravity. It is proved that a constant term is missing in the motio
Abstract       References PDF (359 k) 82 Downloads     4448 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14417

Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2021

Open Access
Tetsuya Hara, Anna Suzuki
Abstract: We have investigated the possible evolutionary history of the water ocean on Venus, adopting the one-dimensional radiative-convective model, including the parameters as albedo and relative humidity. Under this model, it has the possibility that the habitable zone could include Venus. It could continue for∼1Gy in faint young
Abstract       References PDF (1383 k) 67 Downloads     4623 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14381

Volume 6, Issue 5, October 2021

Open Access
Joko Pamungkas, Harry Budiharjo Sulistyarso, Indah Widiyaningsih, Hanqenina Damayanti
Abstract: Increasing oil recovery factor can be done by draining the residual oil in the reservoir (Sor), by using Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR). This research was conducted using “U-Champ” biosurfactants which derived from microorganisms that can reduce oil viscosity and interfacial tension (IFT) between oil and brine. The
Abstract       References PDF (344 k) 94 Downloads     4686 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14364
Open Access
C. Y. Lo
Abstract: The Nobel Prize Committee for Physics awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize to Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, and Andrea Ghez for their discoveries about the black holes. Genzel and Ghez discovered that an invisible and extremely heavy object governs the orbits of stars at the centre of our galaxy. However, Penrose's work is outdat
Abstract       References PDF (202 k) 84 Downloads     4336 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14343

Volume 6, Issue 4, August 2021

Open Access
Emmanuel Saucedo-Flores
Abstract: An in depth look to the quantum behavior of a particle in a unidimensional finite, square box of potential energy is presented. Wave function normalization constants are fully determined and are used to establish an expression to calculate the particle allowed energy eigenstates based in the confinement condition for each o
Abstract       References PDF (1286 k) 85 Downloads     4804 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14337
Open Access
Petro Sаvenko
Abstract: A brief overview of the works of the author and his co-authors on the application of nonlinear analysis methods for solving the nonlinear inverse problems (synthesis problems) for optimizing the different types of radiating systems are presented in the paper. The synthesis problem are formulated in variational statements an
Abstract       References PDF (2441 k) 64 Downloads     4428 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14359

Volume 6, Issue 3, June 2021

Open Access
V.A. Rudakov
Abstract: Critical notes on the interval invariant and Lorentz transformations are presented. Their internal inconsistency is shown when considering the same processes from different frames of reference. The results of Sagnac's experiments with a ring interferometer are discussed. It is concluded that the Lorentz transformations inco
Abstract       References PDF (250 k) 86 Downloads     4802 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14332
Open Access
W.Z. Shangguan, Z.Cai, Z. Q. Huang, JiaWen Mo, XiangZhong Wei
Abstract: A new understanding to the origin of superconductivity in hydrogen-rich materials under high pressure is presented in this paper. Applying sufficiently high pressure to a material makes its constituent atoms get close enough so that the “close-shell inversion” effect takes place, which in turn results in superconducting sta
Abstract       References PDF (407 k) 119 Downloads     5150 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14333

Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2021

Open Access
Stuart Boehmer
Abstract: We discuss what a black hole in nature really probably is: just an extremely massive and dense neutron star with no singular interior region or an actual event horizon; these are just mathematical abstractions which probably do not exist in reality.
Abstract       References PDF (89 k) 97 Downloads     4704 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14325

Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2021

Open Access
Stuart Boehmer
Abstract: We solve the problem of rigid motion in special relativity in completeness, forswearing the use of the 4-D geometrical methods usually associated with relativity, for pedagogical reasons. We eventually reduce the problem to a system of coupled linear nonhomogeneous ordinary differential equations. We find that any rotation
Abstract       References PDF (370 k) 111 Downloads     4595 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14321

Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2020

Open Access
Emmanuel Saucedo-Flores
Abstract: Over 20 physical definitions of the Sommerfeld or fine-structure constant α are derived using sine functions plots of a few H atom-related parameters; the presence of the particle-wave duality in most of the derived expressions is indicated. Five expressions for the electron charge to mass ratio are also established. An app
Abstract       References PDF (1026 k) 207 Downloads     4759 Views     DOI:

Volume 5, Issue 5, October 2020

Open Access
Lei Qiang, Songyan Li
Abstract: This paper has reviewed the recent research progress on the application of thin-film transistors in pH sensors, specifically on aspects related to the structures and materials, including active channels and the top gate dielectrics. Results indicate that the pH sensitivity can be promoted by the utilization of specific stru
Abstract       References PDF (213 k) 203 Downloads     4675 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Lei Qiang
Abstract: Interface defect states of polycrystalline silicon thin-film transistors (poly-Si TFTs) play important role in the degradation of subthreshold characteristics. In this paper, an investigation of interface states is taken on, results show that both the threshold voltage and the difference between the threshold vo
Abstract       References PDF (240 k) 193 Downloads     4781 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Emmanuel Saucedo-Flores
Abstract: Abstract: New expressions in terms of the proton charge radius are derived for the Sommerfeld or fine-structure constant, the proton to electron mass ratio and the elementary particles Wirkungsquanta. Through the derivation of these expressions, it was found that a small correction factor was needed to be applied on the cur
Abstract       References PDF (231 k) 213 Downloads     4997 Views     DOI:

Volume 5, Issue 4, August 2020

Open Access
Vitaly Antonovich Tolkachev
Abstract: Abstract: Quantum-mechanical microscopic reversibility of vibronic transitions and Boltzmann thermal distribution of the initial (starting) states substantiate method to obtain pure-electronic transition frequency from diffuse absorption or emission spectra. It is shown, that the information is obtainable immediately from l
Abstract       References PDF (1031 k) 178 Downloads     4467 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Prof. Mikhail KUPRIKOV, Dr. Leonid PONYAEV, Dr. Nikita KUPRIKOV
Abstract: The analysis of the find Optimal Structure of the Large Aircraft and Airship for decrease of Sound/Noise Pressure Level inside and outside the Cabin Saloon are very actually today for Worldwide Ecology Program. The Method of Aircraft layout from the virtual mass center is given, which allows us to obtain the Aircraft layout
Abstract       References PDF (285 k) 218 Downloads     4483 Views     DOI:

Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2020

Open Access
Jan Slowak
Abstract: The special theory of relativity deals with, inter alia, how two inertial reference systems refer to each other, how the coordinates of events in one of the two reference systems can be calculated using the events coordinates from the other reference system. For this, Lorentz's transformations are used which form the basis
Abstract       References PDF (190 k) 222 Downloads     4726 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Jan Slowak
Abstract: What happens if we consider two inertial reference systems that communicate with each other with sound signals rather than light signals which are used in the theory of special relativity, SR?
Abstract       References PDF (179 k) 190 Downloads     4709 Views     DOI:

Volume 5, Issue 2, April 2020

Open Access
W. L. Quan, Z. J. Fu, Y. J. Gu
Abstract: Recent experiments respectively performed at Linac Coherent Light Source and at Orion Laser evoke much attention on ionization potential depression (IPD) in dense plasma. In this paper, the validity of six IPD models in the warm dense region is examined, including the ion-sphere (IS) model, the Debye-Hückel (DH) model and t
Abstract       References PDF (1881 k) 215 Downloads     5090 Views     DOI:

Volume 5, Issue 1, February 2020

Open Access
Zhaoyan Wu
Abstract: From a geometric perspective, we proved the following conclusions, that are against mainstream scholars’ viewpoint. (i) Vanishing of the covariant divergence of matter energy­ momentum flux density in entire spacetime is a conservation law of matter energy-momentum. It reads the net increase of matter energy-momentum in any
Abstract       References PDF (363 k) 220 Downloads     5048 Views     DOI:

Volume 4, Issue 6, December 2019

Open Access
Liu Taixiang
Abstract: the model of proton, the model of neutron, the model of nucleus, the model of atom, the model of molecule, boundary conditions of a stable nucleus, the decay of proton, super-heavy nuclei.
Abstract       References PDF (1864 k) 221 Downloads     5810 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Liu Taixiang
Abstract: electron model, neutral field, polar field, the origin of mass, vortex-flux, electron pairs, intrinsic electric field, covariant electric field, room-temperature superconductivity.
Abstract       References PDF (768 k) 232 Downloads     5672 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Liu Taixiang
Abstract: Model of gravitational field, Field-domain, Critical field, Stationary attractive region, Stationary repulsive region, Covariant motion equation, Equation of the speed of light.
Abstract       References PDF (1023 k) 220 Downloads     5452 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Lisickiy K.E., Dolgov V.I., Lisickaya I.V.
Abstract: A new approach to constructing SPN block symmetric ciphers is presented, which allows random S-blocks to be used in ciphers without sacrificing strength.Its basis is an improved construction of a cyclic transformation constructed using the principles of controlled substitutions, when the results of previous substitution tra
Abstract       References PDF (319 k) 245 Downloads     5029 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Adib Akhmetnabievich Gareev
Abstract: Nowadays, the world is facing the depletion of developed reserves and exploitation of fields with poor reservoir features. These factors are forcing oil producers to use low-capacity electric centrifugal submersible pump units (ESP) with pumping pressure of over 2,000 m for oil extraction. The use of such ESP in oil product
Abstract       References PDF (769 k) 196 Downloads     4970 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Sushil Kumar Choudhary, R.S Jadoun
Abstract: Electric discharge machining (EDM) process generally used for burrs free, less metallurgical damage, stress free and very precise machining and produces mould cavity, deep holes, complex shapes & size by arc erosion in all types of electro-conductive materials. In this process, the metal is removed from the work piece due t
Abstract       References PDF (265 k) 202 Downloads     5350 Views     DOI:

Volume 4, Issue 5, October 2019

Open Access
H. Van Cong, P. Blaise, O. Henri-Rousseau
Abstract: The effects of heavy doping and acceptor (donor) size on the electron (hole)-minority saturation current density J_Eo (J_Bo ), injected respectively into the heavily (lightly) doped crystalline silicon (Si) emitter (base) region of p^+-n junction, which can be applied to determine the performance of solar cells, being stron
Abstract       References PDF (982 k) 264 Downloads     18113 Views     DOI:
Open Access
E. Casuso, J. E. Beckman
Abstract: We present here an analytical approach to the theoretical model for the time evolution of angular momentum of galaxies presented previously in Casuso and Beckman(2015), where the Coriolis force acting on a galaxy situated at the sur-face of a rotating cosmic void could play an important role in addition to tidal torques amo
Abstract       References PDF (448 k) 239 Downloads     6033 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Dailin Li, Guilei Li, Baojun Wei, Dan Yang, Ning Wang, Huafeng Zhu, Hao Ni
Abstract: The contact measurement techniques are typically used in the field of object material classification. It has a lot of disadvantages, such as the complex operation and time-consuming. In this paper, a new non-contact object material identification method based on Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and polarization imaging
Abstract       References PDF (595 k) 259 Downloads     5891 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Liu Taixiang
Abstract: In the Theory of System Relativity, we adopt the research methodology "from small to large" and propose the concepts of the shuon and the cnon based on the assumption of the quantum nature of matter; then, we use the cnon to gradually construct particle models for the photon, electron, proton, atom, and molecule and eventua
Abstract       References PDF (712 k) 254 Downloads     6873 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Abstract: 摘要:巴纳德星,ARICNS:视速率为110.8km/s,年自行值10.3角秒(1916年)。SIMBAD:视速率为106.8km/s,年自行值10.31角秒(2000年)。由此得出:2019年巴纳德星观测视速率为105.894km/s。
Abstract       References PDF (331 k) 235 Downloads     6097 Views     DOI:

Volume 4, Issue 4, August 2019

Open Access
H. Van Cong, P. Blaise, O. Henri-Rousseau
Abstract: The effects of heavy doping and donor (acceptor) size on the hole (electron)-minority saturation current density J_Eo (J_Bo ), injected respectively into the heavily (lightly) doped crystalline silicon (Si) emitter (base) region of n^+-p junction, which can be applied to determine the performance of solar cells, being stron
Abstract       References PDF (1289 k) 284 Downloads     6184 Views     DOI:
Open Access
HAO Jing-Yuan, LI Dong, Ma Qinghua, ZHANG Xue-Mei
Abstract: A series of isothermal adsorption experimental data of long flame coal, fat coal, lean coal and lean coal in Ordos Basin are used to verify a temperature-pressure-adsorption equation, and the functional relationship between adsorption equilibrium pressure and temperature was discussed. The enthalpy of the gas adsorption pro
Abstract       References PDF (566 k) 258 Downloads     5582 Views     DOI:

Volume 4, Issue 3, June 2019

Open Access
ZHANG Xiachang, CAO Zhuo, WANG Zhan
Abstract: Paper batteries have unique application value in many fields because of the advantages of high flexibility and low cost brought by the roll to roll process. This article expounds the research and development history, principle and process characteristics of printed paper batteries, introduces paper battery's application are
Abstract       References PDF (439 k) 398 Downloads     6829 Views     DOI:
Open Access
O.B.Taghiyev, Т.Sh.Qashimova, К.О. Taghiyev
Abstract: Thio- and seleno- halates of rare-earth elements (Ca, Sr, Ba)Ga2(S, Se)4 are part of compounds with general formula МА2ШВ4VI(М – Ba, Sr, Ca; AIII- Ga, Al; B4VI – S, Se). Compounds type of МА2ШВ4VI were first obtained by authors [1], where sulphides and selenides are part of 12 analogous composites, which crystalize in ortho
Abstract       References PDF (285 k) 321 Downloads     6061 Views     DOI:

Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2019

Open Access
A.N. Volobuev
Abstract: The problems connected to propagation of a gravitational field are considered. The law of change of an electromagnetic radiation frequency in a gravitational field is shown. On the basis use of a quantum gravitational eikonal the energy of a single graviton is found. Refusal from a stresses tensor in structure of an energy-
Abstract       References PDF (270 k) 331 Downloads     6485 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Louis Ete Akpabio, Sekanam Louis Akpabio
Abstract: The Burgers’ equation was derived for studying the behaviour of Dust Acoustic (DA) shock wave for a four-component dusty plasma comprising charged dust grains of opposite polarity, super thermally (Kappa) distributed electrons and ions. The numerical solution of Burgers’ equation is analyzed. It is established that opposi
Abstract       References PDF (369 k) 316 Downloads     7114 Views     DOI:

Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2019

Open Access
S.V. Luniov, A.I. Zimych, P. F. Nazarchuk, V.Т. Maslyuk, O.V. Burban
Abstract: The effect of electron irradiation with the energy of 10 MeV on the electrical properties of n-Ge single crystals is investigated. Based on measurements of the Hall effect, the temperature dependences of the resistivity, concentration and mobility of current carriers for the range of 180–280 K have been obtained. It was sho
Abstract       References PDF (239 k) 359 Downloads     6316 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Chang Jae Lee
Abstract: A quantum harmonic oscillator with a frequency modulation is an extensively studied model, and has relevance to important physical processes. In this paper we consider response of the frequency modulation in terms of the time dependence of quasi energies and the deviation from the quantum virial theorem. Four modulation typ
Abstract       References PDF (1074 k) 311 Downloads     6357 Views     DOI:

Volume 3, Issue 2, April 2018

Open Access
Eduardo Flores, Jeffrey Scaturro
Abstract: Light displays particle and wave properties within the bounds of the inequality, K^2+V^2≤1, where K represents particle information and V represents corresponding wave information. Using two laser beams that cross and then diverge from each other we explore the inequality. Results, based on semiclassical analysis, are in co
Abstract       References PDF (582 k) 527 Downloads     6812 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Sergey M. Afonin
Abstract: In the general form for the equation of the electroelasticity the generalized structural-parametric model and the generalized matrix transfer function of the electroelastic actuator with the output parameters displacements are determined from the solutions of the wave equation with using the Laplace transform. The parametri
Abstract       References PDF (438 k) 4178 Downloads     113660 Views     DOI: 10.54647/physics14034

Volume 3, Issue 1, February 2018

Open Access
Timothy Sands
Abstract: This research paper describes a development to eliminate phase lag permitting a single commercially available sensor (Global Positioning System, GPS receiver) to provide full-state knowledge (including angular acceleration), eliminating the need for accelerometers, rate gyros, and other sensors. GPS position data is used to
Abstract       References PDF (1550 k) 354 Downloads     6734 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Arnold Abramov, Yuanfang Shang, Liuzhong Yin
Abstract: New approach to calculate both bound and continuum excitonic states in a quantum well are presented. Green functions technique for appropriate Schrödinger equation allowed transforms it to system of linear algebraic equations and to obtain a general numerical solution for excitonic wave function in a matrix form. The excito
Abstract       References PDF (187 k) 347 Downloads     6453 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Ignatovich V.K.
Abstract: Scattering of a scalar particle on a crystalline plane with quadratic cell and identical fixed scatterers is solved precisely. Contradiction of the standard scattering theory is pointed out.
Abstract       References PDF (677 k) 381 Downloads     6435 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Miranda Díaz Lázaro J.
Abstract: When linearly polarized light impinging on a lens, it will reflect and refract along the lines curves resulting from the interception of a plane (plane of polarization) with a sphere (lens surface) maintaining the orientation of refraction and reflection within the plane of polarization. This effect is significant
Abstract       References PDF (651 k) 349 Downloads     6506 Views     DOI:

Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2017

Open Access
Jeffrey S. Lee, Gerald B. Cleaver
Abstract: In this paper, it is shown that the Magnus effect cannot be a primary mechanism for the dispersion of shotgun pellets. The one-dimensional motion of objects through air, applied to shotgun pellets traveling a short distance, reveals that throughout the flight, the Reynold’s number is approximately constant. The distribution
Abstract       References PDF (492 k) 397 Downloads     7004 Views     DOI:

Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2017

Open Access
Wu Xinzhong
Abstract: Protective measurements offer an intriguing method for measuring the wave function of a single quantum system. With contributions from leading physicists and philosophers of physics-----including two of the original discoverers of this important method------ ‘Protective measurements and quantum reality’ edited by Shan Gao e
Abstract       References PDF (275 k) 360 Downloads     6776 Views     DOI:

Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2016

Open Access
Lena J-T Strömberg
Abstract: Assuming that time is determined by a present frequency, relations are derived based on the angular velocity of a noncircular orbit. Formats relating concepts of noncircular orbits with fix points of the sine circular map, so-called Arnold’s tongues, will be obtained.
Abstract       References PDF (398 k) 464 Downloads     6947 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Nasser Ojaroudi
Abstract: In this paper, a compact microstrip low-pass filter (LPF) for radar applications is proposed. The microstrip filter configuration consists of a transmission line with a pair of S-shaped stub with radial stub loaded resonators (RSLRs), and a ground plane with triple array modified stairwell defected ground structures (DGSs).
Abstract       References PDF (452 k) 409 Downloads     6956 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Wu Xinzhong
Abstract: The least action principle is the basic principle of the Newtonian mechanics and geometrical optics. Various forms of analytical mechanics are based on the principle of least action., including Lagrange mechanics, Hamiltonian mechanics and Hertz mechanics based on the principle of minimum curvature. Max Planck believed that
Abstract       References PDF (582 k) 440 Downloads     6911 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Monireh Nosrati Sahlan, Hamid Reza Marasi
Abstract: In this study, an effective technique upon compactly supported semi orthogonal cubic B-spline wavelets for solving nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm integral equations is proposed. Properties of B-spline wavelets and function approximation by them are first presented and the exponential convergence rate of the approximation, Ο(2-
Abstract       References PDF (540 k) 359 Downloads     6920 Views     DOI:

Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016

Open Access
Angyang Yu
Abstract: The research of plastic deformation of metals attaches great importance to stacking fault energy (SFE). In this paper, we derive the expressions of four types (I1, I2, E and T2) of basal plane SFEs of hcp-Ti within the framework of the Ising model. Based on this model, alloying effects on the stacking fault energy (SFE) of
Abstract       References PDF (319 k) 488 Downloads     7192 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Vladimir Ignatovich
Abstract: The concept of the coherence length of the neutron is explored. The generally accepteddefinition of a Gaussian wave packet based on the method of the beam preparation, andthe singular de Broglie's wave packet are considered. Possible ways of measuring thecoherence length are discussed.
Abstract       References PDF (363 k) 492 Downloads     7018 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Lena J-T Strömberg
Abstract: The first eight terms in the Riemann hypothesis is analysed as harmonics with certain ratios to the ground level. The ratios were chosen from acoustic. To obtain the best fit, terms 5 and 7 was assumed to interact in a beat.
Abstract       References PDF (520 k) 528 Downloads     7240 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Lena J-T Strömberg
Abstract: Propagation and static distribution of light on noncircular orbits are modelled. The space where light embodies is determined with kinematics, such that the perpendicular velocity of the 'material'-space described as a noncircular orbit, is harmonic with amplitude fwre. Light propagation to discrete orbits may occur with a
Abstract       References PDF (334 k) 439 Downloads     6969 Views     DOI:
Open Access
V.K.Ignatovich, M.Utsuro
Abstract: The experimentally found small heating of the neutrons after transmission through thin foils can be explained by violation of energy conservation because of finite energy width of the neutron wave packet. The part of the wave packet subcritically transmitted through a foil has energy distribution higher than that of the inc
Abstract       References PDF (277 k) 462 Downloads     7169 Views     DOI:
Open Access
S. B. Doma, H. S. El-Gendy
Abstract: The ground-state nuclear wave functions, the binding energies, the root mean-square radii and the firstexcited-state energies of the 3H and 4He nuclei are investigated by applying the translation invariant shellmodel and using residual two-body interaction, given by the first author, together with a three-bodyinteraction in
Abstract       References PDF (740 k) 436 Downloads     7243 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Lena J-T Strömberg
Abstract: For noncircular orbits (nco), with f=3 and f=2, a fractal similar to the Koch-curve is constructed. Attraction and repulsion in a Koch boundary, are suggested, such that the fractal noncircular orbit may attract with all sublevels, or repulse likewise.
Abstract       References PDF (349 k) 475 Downloads     6980 Views     DOI:
Open Access
Yu. N. Zayko
Abstract: This article is devoted to the problem of light propagation in a space-time which curvature is due not to massive sources but to the electromagnetic field of the wave itself. Some methodological questions are discussed, such as an isotropy of metric, implementation of the Kalutza-Klein model, topology of space-time, etc
Abstract       References PDF (353 k) 453 Downloads     7388 Views     DOI: